Illumina® DRAGEN™ Secondary Analysis

Illumina DRAGEN (Dynamic Read Analysis for GENomics) secondary analysis was developed to address important challenges associated with analyzing NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) data for a range of applications, including genome, exome, transcriptome, and methylome studies. DRAGEN secondary analysis processes NGS data and enables tertiary analysis to drive insights. The available tools make up a highly accurate, comprehensive, and efficient solution that enables labs of all sizes and disciplines to do more with their genomic data.

Product highlights

Accurate results:

  • Graph reference genome and machine learning drive unprecedented accuracy

  • 99.84 accuracy score with the Precision FDA Truth Challenge V2 benchmark data (2,3)

Comprehensive platform:

  • Analyze NGS data from whole genomes, exomes, methylomes, and transcriptomes

  • Available on platform of choice and scalable based on needs

Efficient analysis:

  • Process a 34x genome in ~ 30 minutes, with all supported callers with DRAGEN server v4 (1)

  • Reduce FASTQ file sizes up to 5x with DRAGEN ORA Compression


  1. Illumina data on file, 2022.

  2. Illumina DRAGEN Secondary Analysis is the first single platform to achieve 99.83% accuracy based on PrecisionFDA v2 Truth Challenge Benchmark Data. Details here.

  3. PrecisionFDA Truth Challenge V2: Calling Variants from Short and Long Reads in Difficult-to-Map Regions. Accessed November 3, 2020.

Last updated